Age Groups->Ages 4-5
Teams are formed after players are registered. Special requests, such as
certain players being on the same team, will be considered but cannot be guaranteed.
All U5/U6 teams are co-ed, have a roster of 5-6 players, and are coached by a volunteer parent.
Games are played with 3 verses 3 without goalkeepers.
These teams play other teams within their age division within the Bryant Soccer Club at Midland Soccer Fields.
The Bryant Soccer Club guarentees that each player will play at least 50% of each game they attend. In addition to games, each team practices once per week and participates in one "Skills Training" for 30 minutes per week.
The Fall season generally goes from early September to mid November. Spring season usually runs from early March to mid May.
There are 8 games per season. Games are played on Saturdays as scheduled by the club.
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