Parents, Players, & Coaches: Sunday, August 29th at 2pm. Meet at Midland at 2pm to organize assignments, such as; repair goals and nets, remove rocks and fill holes in playing fields, and general cleaning and trash pick-up. Last season, only 4 people showed up. This is one of the ways we keep the fees down, so please volunteer 3 hours to come help.
Beginning in the Fall 2010 season all players will have 2 uniforms, one Blue and one White. Also, each uniform will have a single BSC logo on the shirt. For U6 and U8 players, the uniforms will not have numbers on the back so that players can re-use the uniforms season after season if they remain in good condition.
Through a easy registration process and entering our club in the drawing, BSC wins a set of 16 youth jerseys from US Youth Soccer and Degree. The jerseys will be delivered by mid-September and be awarded to a BSC team in the Spring. Individual teams can enter the next drawing in the winter. Email michaellegate@bryantsoccer.org and Visit usyouthsoccer.org to learn how.
The efforts of the BSC board were tremendous in gathering enough support from our members to earn the grant.
A very big thank you goes out to Michael Legate for leading the efforts to get 126 certificates. Thank you
to all the coaches who forwarded the "how to" information to their teams. And another thank you goes
out to the BSC families and friends for supporting our efforts. While we are still deciding how the $2,500 will be spent,
key areas such as facilities improvements and player development lead the list. Again, THANK YOU for your participation in
this fundraising project.
Your team can register to earn one of the $2,500 grants to be awarded this winter. Email Michaellegate@bryantsoccer.org
and visit usyouthsoccer.org for more information and help.