Age Groups->Ages 6-7
Undefeated Spring 2010 U8 Level 2 girls team. Coach Nicole Inman.
Undefeated at the Lakewood tournament.
A few pictures from the 2010 Level 2 Fall Lakewood tournament.
Runner-up trophy.
Coach Dr. Joe Nelson
The 6, 7 and a few young 8 year olds play in the Under 8 (U8) division.
Teams are gender specific, have rosters of 8 players, and are often coached by a parent.
In the past we have had Level 1 and Level 2 teams within this age division. (Level 2 teams
play clubs from outside the Bryant Soccer Club and participate in one tournament per year.)
Beginning Fall 2011, we will only have Level 1 teams. This is for 2 reasons, 1. Our club is
large enough to offer a level of competition equal to many clubs level 2 teams, and
2. keeping all players within our Level 1 division will raise the entire level of play in
these players as a group, leading to better player development and stronger competition within our club.
Teams are randomly formed and coaches assigned by our club registrar 2-3 weeks before the first
game, after players are registered. Special requests, such as certain players being on the same
team, will be considered but cannot be guaranteed.
Games are 4 verses 4 and without goalkeepers. This group plays other U8 teams within the Bryant
Soccer Club at Midland Soccer Fields.
Each player will play at least 50% of each game they attend. If you find that this is not so with your child, let us know by using our 'Contact Us' page. In addition to games, each team practices once per week, and attends a weekly skills training with one of our professional trainers. See our 'Skills Training' section in the menu to the left.
The Fall season generally goes from early September to mid November. Spring season usually runs from early March to mid May.
There are 8 games per season. Games are played on Saturdays as scheduled by the club.
View - Code of Conduct
View - U8 Coaches Guide
All players must have a completed Medical Release Form turned into their coach before playing